Tuesday, September 30, 2014

5 Caffeine-free Ways to Fight Fatigue

With hectic schedules that leave us in a constant balancing act of work, family and other daily responsibilities, it is no wonder that we often feel tired! While it is a good thing that we are able to be and do more than ever, our health should not suffer the consequences. Coffee has become the symbolic nectar of achievement. Over worked and exhausted? Let's go grab a latte, double shot please. However, the problem with this is that is gives you a false sense of energy and can exaggerate feelings of anxiety, nervousness and depression. Drinking coffee on a regular basis can also severely damage your digestive system and create conditions for ulcers, IBS and Crohn's Disease to name a few. Want to try something different? Here is a list of easy ways to boost your energy in minutes:

Take a walk
Skip that second cup of caffeine and take a walk. A recent study has shown that exercising rather than drinking coffee or black tea is better at making us feel more alert and replenishing our energy.

Go upside down
Spend some time upside down. Doing a shoulder stand for 15 minutes is equal to 2 hours of sleep. I learned about this in Gabrielle Bernstein's book, Miracles Now, and it works! Don't worry if you cannot do the full 15 minutes, you will feel refreshed even after five.

Water therapy
Spray a fine mist of floral water on your face or wash your eyes with cold water. If you are at the office a pure floral mist is the way to go. This is one of the many reasons why I love our Rose Revival and Neroli Nirmana Facial Mists! I always have one in my bag.

Yogic Breath
Practice the Kundalini Breath of Fire, alternate nostril breathing or simply take a few deep breaths. Each of these exercises have their own unique benefits, but all will increase oxygen to the brain and increase your energy in minutes.

Green Juice
Grab a green juice or green smoothie. Chlorophyll, the pigment in plants that makes them green, helps oxygenate the blood which increases brain function and physical activity. One of my favorite smoothie recipes is blending a handful of spinach, one peeled apple, one small peeled cucumber and a half inch of fresh ginger with a half a cup of water and a few cubes of ice. Takes minutes to make and it instantly boosts your energy and mood.

These are my go-to remedies for times of exhaustion or when I need a boost of energy, but I would love to hear yours. Send a tweet over to @NobleTherapies.

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